* Switch to Unity 6
* Change Syria flag
* Improved game UI, Speed and Stability.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Improved game UI, Speed and Stability.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Improved game UI, Speed and Stability.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Improved game UI, Speed and Stability.
* Updated many countries armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed borders reported issues.
* Improved game UI, Speed and Stability.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed multiplayer reported issues
* Improved game UI, Speed and Stability.
* Updated many countries armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed spy investigation option.
* Improved game UI, Speed and Stability.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Improved game UI in many screens.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Improved game UI, Speed and Stability.
* Updated many countries armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Improved alliances and world missions options.
* Improved game UI, Speed and Stability.
* Updated many countries armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed issues with online multiplayer. (In case you started a new world you will need to restart it)
* Updated countries data based on real world events.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence .
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources...
The more support we will get from our players the more we will do.
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Added new long term country missions that can cause big world effects once completed.
* Improved game UI, Speed and stability.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new options for the online multiplayer, scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources, world events...
The more support we will get from our players the more we will do.
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* New option in game settings allow/disallow the popup information.
* New option in the online multiplayer that allows filtering players by rank, reputation and last active.
* Improved game UI, Speed and stability.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new options in diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources, world events...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed issues with the United Nations sending requests to countries that are not active.
* Fixed issues with reserves become civilian.
* Improve online multiplayer and accessibility.
* Updated many countries data based on real world events.
We plan to add countless new options for the online multiplayer, scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources, world events...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Reduce game size and prepare game databases for online multiplayer.
* Improved game UI, Speed and stability.
* Updated many countries armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, online multiplayer...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* New options in custom (sandbox): Allow Use of Nuclear? Activate United Nations?
* New filter options in diplomacy menu.
* New diplomacy option Military Assistance.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources, online multiplayer...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
* Improved game UI, Speed and stability.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources, world events, online multiplayer...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
Big update
* 5 New technologies: Blackout, Gas Masks, Nuclear Shelters, Uzbek Guards and Safe Bank
* New option in the war room – Generals
* New spy mission – Encourage revolution in enemy country
* New war attack option - Swarm of attack drones.
* Improved UI – You can click on the icons of options to get more explanations.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed issues with alliances mechanism.
* Improved game UI, Speed and stability.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, online multiplayer...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Added map zoom, united nations, new technologies, spy missions and war actions.
* Added support to new languages.
* Improved game UI, Speed and stability.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, online multiplayer...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Improved game UI, speed and stability.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, online multiplayer...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Added new sounds in many game screens.
* Improve map loading and optimize the game data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, new technologies...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Support for Android 11
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
We plan to add countless new alliances & diplomacy & spies & war options, new technologies...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Updated to support last android version.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
* Added new options in extra to get free tokens.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios & diplomacy & spies & war options, new technologies, new rebels options...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
* Added offer wall that will allow to get more free tokens.
* Added option to join to our community in the game menu.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, new technologies...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed save and load reported issues.
* Updated countries armies, relations and economy based on real data.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
* Updated countries armies, relations and economy based on real data.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence.
* Please read more in our social media.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, factories, resources...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
* Updated countries armies, relations and economy based on real data.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, factories, resources...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
* From now if you conquer a country you will get the civilians and the money left in their bank.
* Updated countries armies, relations and economy based on real data.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, new weapons, technologies, factories, resources...We are working also on massive multiplayer game.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
* Fixed issues with technologies going minus.
* Fixed some mistakes in Persian language.
* Updated countries armies, relations and economy based on real data.
* Fixed reported bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Updated countries armies, relations and economy based on real data.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Welfare technology will remove 50% from rebels from now instead of 5% that was before.
* Fixed orientation issues.
* Updated countries armies, relations and economy based on real data.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, new weapons, technologies, factories, resources...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
* Updated countries armies, relations and economy based on real data.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, new weapons, technologies, factories, resources...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
* Better error system messages in the war room.
* Updated countries armies, relations and economy based on real data.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add countless new scenarios, diplomacy & spies & war options, new weapons, technologies, factories, resources... and for this we need our players support.
Your support important to us.
Thank you,
* Updated world countries armies, relations and economy based on real data.
* Fixed reported bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed issues with sound playing in ads when sound is off.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to improve a lot the game and for this we need our players support.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed issues that cause to some players not to get playerID.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence.
We plan to add many new options in the game spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed issues with devices with Pie version.
* Improve game speed and stability.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
We plan to add many new options in the game spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* The game support now Android Q
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed issues with pass turn loading & stability.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
We plan to add many new options in the games.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed issues with news loading & stability.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
We plan to add many new options in the games.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed issues with extra screen not loading.
* Better score system to analyze your leadership skills.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Added Greek help page support.
* Added new options in the extra screen that will allow to get aid from the world bank.
* Updated world armies based on real data.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
If you can help us to translate the game to other languages please contact us.
We started to work on world map & united nations and many new options to all empire 2027 games.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed battle system.
* New achievement
* New save & load option.
* New full tutorial & updated game help pages.
* Improved game speed and visibility.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the AI.
If you can help us to translate the game to other languages please contact us.
We plan to add new maps, scenarios, United Nations and many new game options.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Improved game speed and visibility.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
If you can help us to translate the game to other languages please contact us.
We going to release in 1.3.2019 multiplayer version for all Empire 2027 versions.
7 human players, 21 AI players, alliances, map theme selection etc...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fixed issues in Android 8.0 devices.
* Fixed issues with server connectivity.
* Improved game speed and visibility.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
If you can help us to translate the game to other languages please contact us.
We started to work on multiplayer for all Empire 2027 versions.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Fix for issues with server connectivity.
* Improved game speed and visibility.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
If you can help us to translate the game to other languages please contact us
We started to work on multiplayer for all Empire 2027 versions and to add United Nations.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Support now Android Pie version.
* Improve threaten diplomacy option to consider target country power.
* Language popup selection when starting the game.
* Fix for issues with loading packages screen.
* Improved game speed and visibility.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
Africa Empire 2027 will be released very soon.
We started to work on multiplayer for all Empire 2027 versions.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team
* Improved game speed and visibility.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
We plan to improve a lot the game and for this we need our players support.
Our plan is to add improvements like new zones (Africa, America, ancient time, fantasy and space), United Nations, multiplayer...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you :)
* Improved game speed and visibility.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
We plan to improve a lot the game and for this we need our players support.
Our plan is to add improvements like new zones (Africa, America, ancient time, fantasy and space), United Nations, multiplayer...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you :)
Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
You can get unlimited number of free tokens if you use your referral url and invite your friends and family to the game.
This is your way to support us to grow and it will allow you to get all options for free in the game.
We plan to improve a lot the game and for this we need our players support.
Our plan is to add improvements like new zones, multiplayer...
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you :)
* The game performance and run time improved.
* Fixed Slovak & French language.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence.
If you can help us to translate the game to other languages please contact us.
We started to work on new zones and to add multiplayer...
Our plan is to improve a lot the game and for this we need our players support.
Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you :)
New Tokens Bonuses
200 Tokens for each player you bring into the game using your referral url.
100 Tokens in daily bonus for watching ads.
* Fixed for the languages French, Turkish and Romanian.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence performance.
We started to work on new zones and to add multiplayer...
Our plan is to improve a lot the game and for this we need our players support.
Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you :)
* The game support the language Serbian.
* Added new options: Rig elections, Infiltrate rebels, Rebuild country and more...
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence performance.
If you can help us to translate the game to other languages please contact us.
We started to work on new zones and to add multiplayer...
Our plan is to improve a lot the game and for this we need our players support.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you :)
* Added reward videos that will allow you to get up to 100 tokens for free a day.
* Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence performance.
If you can help us to translate the game to other languages please contact us.
We started to work on new zones in the world Europe, Africa, multiplayer...
Our plan is to improve a lot the game and for this we need our players support.
Your support important to us to continue developing.
Thank you :)